EonCoat application – Low pressure airless
This video demonstrates the application of a 1000 micron layer of EonCoat to a test plate, using the M2K low-pressure airless system, specifically customised for EonCoat. You’ll see the applicator maintains a distance of 200mm to 300mm from the substrate, which is optimal for spraying EonCoat.
EonCoat® Demonstration day

Our team had the pleasure of being a part of an EonCoat® demonstration day recently with Integral Protective Coatings and Airblast Australia, along with valued industry guests who joined us to see the EonCoat® surface treatment technology in action. The video below demonstrates EonCoat® being applied on the day using a plural component pump system, […]
Protecting AST bottoms: EonCoat’s Weldable Protective Coating

A perfectly timed call about the soil-facing side of a tank bottom While I was completing the research for this blog, we received a call from a customer. I can’t make this up – it happened! He wanted to talk with a Corrosion Expert about our weldable tank bottom protective coating for a new aboveground […]